This morning I experienced a revelationary moment! So what happened is, that I had listened to a podcast earlier this week, and the podcast lasted for about 28 minutes. So this podcast involved this particular person who was talking about repeating a positive mantra...
Sandy Green Founder of The National Medical Weight Loss Programme Introduces Her Training Programme
Who I am My name is Sandy Green. I am the Nurse Consultant and Founder of The National Medical Weight Loss Programme. This is a company that trains registered Health Care Professionals to set up their own weight regimen services to help people living with overweight...
The 3 Most Common Roadblocks to Business
I have identified three of the most common themes that I hear from Nurses that prevent them from moving forward from a business idea or a dream. Those 3 things? Time Underdog Syndrome No plan Time Time is an enigma, where does it go? Can anyone explain?...
Getting your Mind Ready For Inspiration
What Else Can I do? I was dwelling on this question after a Nurse friend of mine had been musing a change of direction. I started to reflect on my years Nursing thinking back to when I was working on the wards initially. That period of my life was incredibly...
Feeling Fatigued?
During my time in aesthetics, many Nurses have approached me to ask how to get started and how to be successful. My thoughts on this are that much of this curiostity is not borne from a desire to get into aesthetics but to get out of the current rut. I think that many...
Why EntrepreNurse?
You will know by now that I am a registered nurse, and that around 10 years ago I started to dabble in the world of business. I had started to see aesthetics clients privately on the side of my normal NHS job. I did that for around five years, and then in the last...