During my time in aesthetics, many Nurses have approached me to ask how to get started and how to be successful.

My thoughts on this are that much of this curiostity is not borne from a desire to get into aesthetics but to get out of the current rut.

I think that many Nurses get to a point in their career where they start to become aware of a professional life beyond their field of Nursing.

What motivates Nurses to even start to look around at private business – something quite literally at the other end of the occupational spectrum to Nursing? I think for many Nurses, like myself, you choose to enter Nursing at a relatively young age. We work really hard to achieve our qualification. We work really hard to achieve our career goals. We work really hard, not only in our roles but on a continued educational level because let’s face it, Nursing education is only really just beginning once you have qualified.

I think fatigue sets in after around ten years. This fatigue is not specific to nursing, in fact my belief is that this is a common emotion experienced by people from all walks of working life. It may be a feeling that is financially driven, or perhaps just a desire for something different, something new, something to reinvigorate the focus and drive that we had when we were starting out in our careers. As a nurse, ten or so years down the line, the prospect of going to work for someone else, going to train in something completely different is not appealing. We have put so much into our Nursing careers and we have racked up so much experience, we do not really want to go somewhere else and start at the bottom rung again. The concept of creating something new, working for ourselves , to be able to express ourselves, and to be able to regain some life control. I think that these are quite appealing concepts.  I believe that these are the kinds of thought processes that drive Nurses to consider businesses. We all know that nursing is not the best paid profession in the world. The finances are likely another side of it.

Personally I do think that self fulfillment is the major part of it.

We have the drivers there. Those are motivators that bring us to this point, and perhaps some of us feel slightly undervalued, unfulfilled. I emphasise that I am not saying that all nurses feel like that, but for some of us we arrive at this feeling of ‘what next?’

So the next question is ‘What can I do?’

This feeling is entirely normal and more common that you realise. The answer is – anything you want! Years of dogged duty, towing the line and grafting physically and mentally have left you unable to see the wood for the trees.

Reading this tells me that somewhere deep down however, you do already know this.

Now is the time to start Project Refresh and get your fulfilment levels back up to where they should be at this majestical time in your life!


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