A quick update for you guys!
Hope you are all managing with the latest COVD regulations and generally holding your sanity together (it’s not easy is it?)
Just a quick update to let you all know that although things have gone a little quiet here, we are incredibly busy working on EntrepreNurse Elite.
EntrepreNurse Elite is a membership programme for those of you who are ready to start to your journey of really looking at the idea of creating your own business.
You can’t join EN Elite at the moment because we are busy working with our Founding Members on refining the experience and value for all of you.
Now we are not in the habit of telling you:
‘How to reach a six figure salary overnight!’
Nor are we in the habit of doing all of the work for you.
What we are in the habit of doing is helping you to get focused on creating a plan to make your wishes a reality.
Sound good?
Heres the bit you need to really understand though.
For change to come, it must be driven by you!
You have to decide
You have to commit
You have to set time aside
This country is heading for tough times. Once we finally get to a manageable point with the pandemic will come the recovery effort.
Higher taxation
Higher cost of living
Higher cost of luxuries
You have something already that with some help and guidance you could package and sell to people who would happily & thankfully buy from you.
What is it that you have?
Your Nursing expertise, your scientific knowledge, your education skills, your support skills, your nurture skills.
More & more people are now expected to & willing to pay for services that will support their health and enable their bodies and minds to be more resilient in the face of physical and mental stresses.
Expected to pay because more & more services that were once readily available via the NHS are now deemed as ‘of low clinical effectiveness’. Those services that are available often involve a long wait, an inconvenient appointment slot, a short allocation of time, a wait in the clinic itself.
Willing to pay in order to have access to your knowledge & expertise, for avoidance of a long gap until an appointment, for an appointment that is convenient, for an ample amount of your time, for no hanging around unnecessarily.
Now is your time to consider what you can already do that people may really want?
Now is your time to be a trail blazer.
Exciting eh?
If you cant wait for the official launch of EN Elite then send us an email and we can get you started on a bespoke programme.
Otherwise get your thinking caps on & prepare for the official launch.